Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Classwork, 4.26.11

With your partner, discuss and take notes on the following questions. Begin with the article assigned to you; if you finish early, move on to the second article.

  • What background information do the authors give for why this issue matters?
  • What terms do the authors define here? What definitions do they offer? Why are these definitions necessary to their arguments?
  • What opposing arguments do the authors present? How do they contradict these arguments?
  • What evidence do the authors offer to support their claims? What "experts" are referred to? Does the evidence feel sufficient to support their claims? How might they present a larger picture?
  • Most of you are in a position to be fairly knowledgeable about this issue. In your opinion, do these authors' portrayals of hook-up culture seem accurate? How does the definition of hooking up differ as you understand it? Are there any related issues involved in the hook-up culture that these authors don't mention?

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