Thursday, March 3, 2011

Classwork, 3.3.11

In-class writing: Write a few sentences about what perspective/thoughts/reactions/biases/ideas each of these people would have on the issue you are currently researching and writing about. What aspects of the issue would most interest these people?

o A college professor (Jon Kemp) in a related field. He is 47, has two teenage children, and often publishes his research/work.

o A young state senator (Alice Zimmerman) who is interested in becoming governor one day. She is a moderate Republican interested in balancing the state’s budget.

o A high school senior (Beth Courdry) who does not plan to attend college. She works nights and weekends at McDonald’s, but hopes to find a different job once she graduates.

o A religious leader (James Minder) of any denomination who is active in community events and considers building the community an essential part of his religious service.

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